Health Professional in Training (HPiT) Program
HPiT Co-Chair Role Overview 

2025 Co-Chair Application Deadline: 
Forthcoming Spring of 2025

Health Professionals in Training (HPiT) Program

GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBTQ+ Equality, is the nation’s largest and oldest membership association of LGBTQ+ and allied health professionals.  Founded in 1981 as the American Association of Physicians for Human Rights (AAPHR), GLMA’s mission is to ensure health equity for all LGBTQ+ individuals, and to achieve equality for LGBTQ+ health professionals in their work and learning environments. To achieve this mission, GLMA uses the scientific expertise of its diverse multidisciplinary membership to inform and drive advocacy and research.

GLMA's Health Professionals in Training (HPiT) Program is the only interdisciplinary health professional consortium designed specifically for LGBTQ+ and allied students and trainees to connect, share knowledge, and advance their careers. GLMA's HPiT members receive all the benefits of a regular membership with additional offerings catered specifically to the unique needs of students and trainees, including:

  • Student and trainee scholarships to attend GLMA's Annual Conference on LGBTQ+ Health at a reduced cost
  • Advocacy trainings and events to further engage in systemic change
  • Eligibility for student and trainee achievement awards
  • Opportunities to present LGBTQ+ health research through webinars, conference presentations, and poster sessions
  • Events designed to connect and network with LGBTQ+ leaders across all health professions and disciplines

The HPiT Co-Chair is the HPiT voice and advocate of GLMA. The HPiT Co-Chairs are responsible for leading the HPiT Committee, which is tasked with addressing three major realms: representing student members and leading student-centered initiatives, developing HPiT content for the annual conference, and attending GLMA Board meetings. To meet these and other goals, the HPiT Board Member works closely with GLMA staff, fellow Board members, and other organizations. 

Co-Chair Roles and Responsibilities:


HPiT Co-Chairs are selected for a one-year term, with one possible renewal, for a maximum of two terms of two years. Year one for selected HPiT Co-Chairs will be from September 2024 – September 2025.

Student Representation/Initiatives

HPiT Co-Chairs must be available to communicate with the student/trainee members of GLMA and represent their needs to the full Board. This includes being able to answer questions from students/trainees, helping to connect them with appropriate resources, and occasionally holding special events for students across the country. 

The HPiT Committee will typically meet once a month to facilitate these responsibilities. In addition to the HPiT Co-Chairs, the HPiT Committee membership includes the GLMA Past-President and other interested GLMA Board Members.

Additionally, HPiT Co-Chairs coordinate student-centered initiatives to support education improvements, foster LGBTQ+ health professional student mentorship, and build LGBTQ+ health professional student community. At present these include: 

HPiT Co-Chairs serve as informal liaisons to affiliated and like-minded external organizations. This may include co-programming events, and supporting affiliated programming. Examples of these external organizations include MSPA: The Medical Student Pride Alliance and AGLP: The Association of LGBTQ+ Psychiatrists, and the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.

Annual Conference Programming

HPiT Co-Chairs develop student/trainee programming at the GLMA Annual Conference and support fellow members in navigating this experience. In addition, they have the opportunity to assist with the review of research proposals submitted for presentation at the conference. 

GLMA Board Involvement

In addition to Co-Chairing the HPiT Committee, each HPiT Co-Chair also serves on at least one other GLMA Board Committee.

GLMA Board Meetings

Per GLMA’s bylaws, all Board Members are required to attend 50% of the quarterly Board Meetings either in person or electronically.  Historically the board has annually designated a small stipend for board members who serve in the designated HPiT role in order to offset the cost of travel and lodging for meetings. The amount of the stipend is announced annually. 

Benefits for GLMA HPiT Co-Chairs:

  • Service on a national Board dedicated to LGBTQ+ health equity
  • Opportunity to shape policy, advocacy,  research, and community work through GLMA Board involvement and Board Committee work
  • Mentorship, networking, and professional development with GLMA Board Members
  • Annual stipend to facilitate cost of travel to Board Meetings 


Please read our frequently asked questions section below to answer any questions before reaching out to the HPiT co-chairs at