Health Professionals in Training (HPiT) Program
Medical Student Section (MSS) Delegate to the American Medical Association (AMA) Role Overview

Applications forthcoming in Winter 2024

Background: GLMA and the American Medical Association

GLMA’s mission encompasses advancing policies that support LGBTQ+ health. An important aspect of this mission is accomplished through working with the American Medical Association (AMA). GLMA has worked closely with the American Medical Association (AMA) for over two decades, collaborating on several important fronts. First, GLMA serves on the AMA Advisory Committee on LGBTQ+ Issues and advises the AMA Board of Trustees on LGBTQ+ issues, hosts the LGBTQ+ & Allies Caucus programming at AMA meetings, and LGBTQ+ educational sessions. Since 2013, GLMA has had a seat in the AMA House of Delegates (HOD), which allows it to have a direct impact on national health policy as well as nominate and endorse candidates for various positions with the AMA.

The Medical Student Section 

The AMA contains multiple sections, one of which is the Medical Student Section (MSS). Please note that you must be currently enrolled in a MD or DO program to be eligible for this position. Within the MSS resolutions are introduced, voted on by delegates, and can become MSS-only policy or be advanced to the House of Delegates to become AMA policy. 

GLMA Delegate to the MSS

HPiT will choose an MSS GLMA delegate and two alternates (three total) for a year-long term with one renewal opportunity (up to two years total). The GLMA MSS delegate and alternates are expected to remain up to date on current and past GLMA policy and coordinate with the House of Delegates delegate and alternate. Delegates are expected to be active participants in the MSS as resources on LGBTQ+ policy, respondents in the virtual reference committee (online, during resolution development), and speaking for/against resolutions in person at conferences. Training on AMA MSS procedure will be provided, and previous AMA experience is not required to apply. 

American Medical Association Meetings

Per the AMA MSS’s bylaws, the MSS GLMA delegate or an alternate is required to attend the Annual (in Chicago) and Interim (location changes yearly) conferences in order to maintain its delegate, or an alternate, to the MSS. Please note that your completed application confirms your understanding of the expectation to make all possible arrangements to attend these conferences. We realize there will be financial and scheduling limitations which is why there will be alternates. Please be aware that there is no available funding to cover travel and lodging (the AMA conference is free to AMA members).

Goals for the GLMA MSS Delegate:

  • Disseminating GLMA policy within the AMA’s Medical Student Section (MSS) throughout the process of resolution making and policy development. 
  • Participating in the Virtual Reference Committee. 
  • Citing GLMA policy to support/oppose resolutions at the MSS during conferences. Participating in the MSS with full procedural rights of a delegate. 
  • Voting on resolutions at conferences. Serving as liaisons to the Standing Committee on LGBTQ+ Issues within the MSS. Increasing awareness of GLMA as a leading LGBTQ+ health policy organization. 
  • Being available and visible as an LGBTQ+ resource within the AMA MSS. 
  • Communicating, as appropriate, with other minority interest group delegates. 
  • Communicating new policy or changes to the LGBTQ+ MSS Standing Committee.

AMA Conference Expectations:

  • Per the AMA MSS’s bylaws, the MSS GLMA delegate, or an alternate, is required to attend the Annual (in Chicago) and Interim (location changes yearly) conferences in order maintain its delegate to the MSS.
  • Delegates are expected to make all possible arrangements to attend these conferences.
  • GLMA will NOT be able to financially support attendance.
  • We realize there will be financial and scheduling limitations which is why there are alternates.
  • Upon annual renewal, anticipated future conference attendance must be considered.

GLMA Annual Conference on LGBTQ+ Health

The HPiT Committee appreciates the potential financial costs of attending the AMA meetings and therefore encourages, but does not require, your attendance at the annual GLMA conference. Applicants are encouraged to apply for the GLMA conference student scholarship. 

Committee Memberships:

  • Delegates will be required to be members of GLMA upon initiation to position.
  • Delegates will serve as liaisons to the MSS Standing Committee on LGBTQ+ Issues.
  • Delegates will communicate, if appropriate, to the Advisory Committee on LGBTQ+ Issues to the Board of the AMA through the GLMA representative to this committee and are NOT expected to attend these meetings.