STARR (Study of Trans Alcohol Use, Risk, and Resilience)

Researchers at UW-Milwaukee are interested in learning about your identities and experiences with alcohol use. We are looking for individuals 1) Who are 18 years and older; 2) Who identify as transgender or nonbinary; 3) Who are active alcohol drinkers. Eligible participants can earn $75. Participation entails attending a 90-120 minute interview. Participants' identity and responses will be kept confidential. 

Study Type:

IRB Approved:

Target Sample Size:

Target Audience:
Eligible participants are those 1) Who are 18 years and older; 2) Who identify as transgender or nonbinary; 3) Who are active alcohol drinkers.

How to Apply:
Interested individuals can follow this link: to see if you are eligible.
You can also send us an email at or call us at 414-395-0797.  

Study Contact:
Ryan Shorey