The Impact of Digital Storytelling in Young Adult LGBTQIA+ Patients with a Cancer History
Our goal is to better understand the facilitators and barriers to creating digital cancer stories created by LGBTQIA+ AYAs with cancer and its clinical utility for outcomes. We will ask you to make a video about you experiences as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community with a cancer history, and give us feedback on the process. The study will take place online, be completely anonymous, and last approximately 60 minutes. Only individuals who were diagnosed with cancer between ages 15-39 and are currently above the age of 18 are being approached. All participants will be given a $20 gift card for their participation. Thank you for your time and we hope you consider participating.
Study Type:
IRB Approved:
Target Audience:
Self-identifying members of the LGBTQIA+ community who has been diagnosed with cancer. Only individuals who were diagnosed with cancer between ages 15-39 and are currently above the age of 18 are being approached.
How to Apply:
Email Jessica O'Brien at
Study Contact:
Jessica O'Brien