GLMA Joins PFLAG National, Lambda Legal, the National Health Law Program (NHeLP) in Taking Legal Action Against the State of North Carolina to Block Harmful Health Care Ban Targeting Trans Youth


October 11, 2023

Contact: Eli Duffy
Communications & Development Manager

Today marks a historic moment as GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBTQ+ Equality and PFLAG National, in collaboration with individual families and health providers, sued the State of North Carolina to block the harmful health care ban targeting trans youth. 

Represented by Lambda Legal, and the National Health Law Program (NHeLP), we are proud to challenge this harmful and unconstitutional law on behalf of our member healthcare providers.

The lawsuit challenges House Bill 808, also known as the “Act to Prohibit Gender Transition Procedures For Minors”, which was initially passed on June 29 only to be vetoed a week later by Democratic Governor Roy Cooper. On August 16, the state legislature overrode Gov. Cooper’s veto, and the ban took effect immediately.

H.B. 808 prohibits medical professionals from providing gender-affirming medical care to transgender adolescents diagnosed with gender dysphoria. Transgender adolescents who were already receiving necessary and appropriate care as of August 1 are allowed to continue with their course of treatment.

This law would ban necessary and life-saving mental and physical health care for North Carolina’s transgender youth and require the state to revoke the licenses of providers offering evidence-based care to their transgender patients.

GLMA Executive Director Alex Sheldon, MA, has issued the following statement:

"As a non-binary, transgender North Carolinian myself, this legislation strikes me to my core. It directly affects the state where I have sought and continue to access gender-affirming care, and my heart is heavy for my community here at home who will bear the burden of H.B. 808's harmful restrictions. GLMA is suing the State of North Carolina not only to protect equitable health care access for all individuals, but also to uphold the vital role that health professionals play in fostering healthier communities. This legislation undermines their extensive expertise and ability to perform life-saving work, and it will undoubtedly weaken the entire state’s health system.”

GLMA President Jesse Joad, MD, MS, has issued the following statement:

By taking a stand against discriminatory laws like H.B. 808, GLMA aims to create an environment where every patient, including transgender persons, can receive compassionate and inclusive healthcare, without facing unjust restrictions and barriers. Our mission is to ensure fair access to quality healthcare for all individuals and advocate for the rights of our members to provide essential care, without encountering discriminatory constraints or concern that their licenses would be revoked. As GLMA’s Board President, I am extremely proud of our organization’s members’ unwavering commitment to protecting access to care for LGBTQ+ communities. We will continue to tirelessly advocate for a future where health equity becomes a reality for everyone.”

Read more from our partners here.

GLMA remains deeply committed to safeguarding the rights and well-being of targeted families and transgender youth, both within North Carolina and throughout the United States.

About GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBTQ+ Equality
GLMA is a national organization committed to ensuring health equity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) communities and equality for LGBTQ+ health professionals in their work and learning environments.  To achieve this mission, GLMA utilizes the scientific expertise of its diverse multidisciplinary membership to inform and drive advocacy, education, and research.