GLMA Celebrates Ruling in Texas Court Case Blocking Transgender Youth Health Care Ban S.B.14

A district court in Texas granted an injunction to pause the state’s unconstitutional medical care ban targeting  transgender youth. 

The Texas district court announced the decision following a hearing last week where GLMA’s Executive Director, Alex Sheldon, testified alongside several of our health professional members as part of a legal challenge to block Texas Senate Bill 14. The Texas Attorney General’s office is expected to appeal, in which case the Plaintiffs will seek emergency relief from the appellate courts.

The law would go into effect on September 1 and ban necessary and life-saving medical care in Texas for the treatment of gender dysphoria for transgender youth and require the state to revoke the medical licenses of physicians who provide the best standard of care to their trans patients. The Texas Attorney General’s office is expected to appeal, which would automatically stay the injunction.

GLMA joined the legal action on July 14th, alongside PFLAG, five Texas families and three medical providers to sue the State of Texas. GLMA and our co-plaintiffs were represented by Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas, the ACLU, and the Transgender Law Center. 

GLMA is proud to have taken this stand against such a cruel and unjust law, and we are relieved by this ruling which upholds the rights of trans youth and their care providers. This ruling reaffirms the strength of GLMA’s membership and the crucial role of healthcare expertise in the formation of healthcare policy. We will continue to hold strong in our stance in the face of an appeal or any continued challenge to the health and safety of the LGBTQ+ community.

GLMA Executive Director Alex Sheldon, MA, has issued the following statement:

We are invigorated by the court's decision to protect and uphold the rights of trans youth, their families, and health care providers in Texas. This ruling stands as a testament to the unwavering dedication of Texas families and the medical expertise of GLMA's health professional members, who with each testimony, have clearly demonstrated that gender-affirming care is evidence-based, life-saving care. Although this was just one battle of many, we remain steadfast in our commitment to fight for the rights of trans youth and health care providers offering gender-affirming care in Texas and throughout the nation.”

GLMA President Nick Grant, PhD, ABPP, has issued the following statement:

Through this joint legal action, GLMA reaffirms its commitment to safeguarding providers and patients in our ongoing pursuit of LGBTQ+ health equity. The dire implications of S.B. 14, had posed a direct threat to the well-being of trans youth and their families throughout Texas. However, with today's ruling in our favor, we can now begin to rectify the harm inflicted and ensure a brighter future for all those impacted by this threat and other harmful legislation targeting the LGBTQ+ community.”

Read more from our partners here.

GLMA remains steadfast in our commitment to safeguard the rights and well-being of the targeted families and transgender youth in Texas, and nationwide.