You can learn more about the Lesbian Health Fund Grant below. We encourage you to sign up for our newsletter in order to get updates on the 2025 LHF Grantees & information on future funding opportunities.
The Lesbian Health Fund (LHF), a program of GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBTQ+ Equality, was established in 1992 to define, study, and educate lesbians and other sexual minority women, as well as their healthcare providers, about health issues facing the community. Today, we are still committed to improving the health and wellbeing of LGBTQ+ women & girls through funding rigorous scientific research. LHF is the only US research fund dedicated solely to the unique health needs of LGBTQ+ women and girls.
Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty interested in pursuing a research career focused on LGBTQ+ women or girls are invited to apply. Senior scholars, faculty, and non-profit organizations interested in expanding their program of research into this population are also welcome to apply. Applicants’ organizations or institutions must have a US tax ID.
Grant award checks will be made to the primary institution or organization identified on the application cover page. Proposed research may not begin until you have received funding from LHF. Grant money is NOT awarded for completed research or for projects in progress. Current LHF grantees may not participate in a new grant as PI or Co-Investigator until LHF receives the written Final Report for their current grant.
For the 2025 grant cycle, we plan to fund grants in the range of $5,000 to $10,000 each. The LHF Grant Committee welcomes all proposals that identify or address health disparities among LGBTQ+ women and girls (e.g., sexual and/or gender minority women or girls, gender diverse people assigned female at birth); however, special consideration will be given to proposals that focus on the following:
Learn more about applying for a Lesbian Health Fund Grant.
Yes, as long as an applicant is associated with an organization or institution that has tax-exempt status, they are welcome to apply.
Our grantees range from master’s students to established researchers. Grant success is largely based on a scientifically rigorous research plan, the qualifications and/or training potential of the applicant, and the significance of the research question for our community.