GLMA Committees

GLMA members can use their professional expertise to advance LGBTQ+ health equality by participating in the significant and impactful work accomplished by GLMA’s committees. GLMA’s committees work closely and in consultation with GLMA staff to achieve its objectives. A description of each committee’s role in GLMA’s work for equality can be found below.

We hope you will consider supporting GLMA with your skills, expertise, and energy. GLMA Committee members should be GLMA members in good standing. For more information about joining a committee, please contact us at the appropriate email address below.

Education Committee

The Education Committee is charged with ensuring the highest quality of educational content offered through GLMA’s educational programming. Specifically, this committee works on GLMA’s Annual Conference, GLMA's Webinar Series, national guidelines for LGBTQ+ cultural competence curriculum in health professional’s education and patient education materials. The committee identifies content that supports GLMA’s mission to improve LGBTQ+ health and well-being, and strategizes ways to disseminate our educational offerings to a broad audience. The committee works with GLMA staff and vendors to ensure GLMA maintains accreditation for continuing education for health professions (including CME and Nursing CE). Additionally, the committee works to improve curriculum, climate, community engagement, and research for faculty at health professional schools.

For more information about the Education Committee, email

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing and monitoring GLMA’s current financial picture and for making recommendations to ensure the organization’s financial stability and growth. Working with staff, the Finance Committee plays a significant role in developing the organization’s annual budget and ensuring the financial policies are developed and followed.

For more information about the Finance Committee, email

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee develops GLMA’s membership recruitment strategy, which includes seeking membership from healthcare professionals in all fields and through contacts with other professional associations. The work of the Membership Committee is especially important, as the committee serves as the voice of GLMA membership and helps to connect members with one another at the Annual Conference and other events

The committee is also responsible for developing and maintaining relationships and alliances with other health organizations, strengthening GLMA’s connections to existing and new LGBTQ+ health organizations with similar missions and goals, and serving as GLMA’s home for outreach and interactions with outside organizations.

For more information about the Membership Committee, email

Development Committee

The Development Committee develops GLMA’s overall fundraising strategy. This includes establishing fundraising goals and developing fundraising campaigns throughout the year. The Development Committee recognizes the donations that come from individual members, corporate sponsors, and foundations to support GLMA's mission. The resources developed by the Committee enable GLMA to implement its work for LGBTQ+ healthcare equality.

For more information about the Development Committee, email

LHF Advisory Committee

The LHF Advisory Committee consists of lesbian health researchers, advocates, and supporters. The committee raises funds for and makes grants for critically needed research of the health of lesbians and sexual minority women. LHF has provided over $940,000 to fund more than 118 research grants to study the health of lesbians and sexual minority women.

For more information about the LHF Advisory Committee, email

Policy & Government Affairs Committee

The purpose of this committee is to:

  • Develop GLMA’s LGBTQ+ health policy priorities;
  • Maximize the strength of GLMA’s professional members in achieving GLMA’s LGBTQ+ health policy objectives;
  • Identify and implement actions that will achieve equitable, comprehensive, patient-centered LGBTQ+ healthcare access and delivery;
  • Ensure the US healthcare delivery system, including health insurance reforms, are fully LGBTQ+ inclusive;
  • Empower GLMA’s professional membership, allied colleagues, and professional associations to take advocacy actions in support of GLMA’s LGBTQ+ health policy objectives.

Committee members will work with staff and the board to develop policy and advocacy programs at all levels of policy.

For more information about the Policy & Government Affairs Committee, email

Health Professionals in Training Committee

This committee is dedicated to addressing the needs of those in health professional training programs at all levels and across all disciplines, including students, trainees, and residents. The committee leads volunteer efforts to create an inclusive environment for students and trainees through organizational activities, advocacy, curricular reform, and programming at national conferences and symposia, including the GLMA Annual Conference.

For more information about the Student/Trainee Committee, please email