Quality Healthcare for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender People

This cultural competence webinar series explores the health concerns and healthcare of LGBT people and is open to anyone. We review the social determinants that influence how LGBT people seek and receive care and the impact those influences have on health. The series virtually follows the experience of LGBT people and those of us who care for them to better understand how we can create healthcare environments that are welcoming and can help minimize the existing disparities experienced by this population. We delve into the clinical concerns specific to LGBT persons- both in terms of physical health and mental health- so we can better understand how to create comprehensive systems of care that support positive outcomes and experiences for LGBT people and result in high quality healthcare.

The webinars are free and include content that has broad relevance to clinicians, administrators, researchers and academics alike. All are welcome and encouraged to attend and view the archives.

Archived Webinars

Part 1: Understanding the Health Needs of LGBT People: An Introduction

Click here to access the archived webinar.

Part 1 of the series, Quality Healthcare for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender People, explores the unique health needs of LGBT people. During this introduction to LGBT health, speakers provide an overview of associated terminology and concepts, describe social issues that impact the health and well-being of LGBT people and discuss specific clinical considerations for LGBT people. Click here to read more about Part 1.

Part 2: Creating a Welcoming and Safe Environment for LGBT People and Families

Click here to access the archived webinar.

Building on the first part of GLMA’s cultural competence webinar series exploring the health concerns and healthcare of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, Part 2 will focus on creating a welcoming and safe healthcare environment. LGBT people face many barriers in accessing healthcare including discrimination, lack of access, misunderstanding and fear. As a consequence, many LGBT people do not regularly access appropriate and timely care. The more informed healthcare professionals are, the more comfortable LGBT patients and clients will feel in an environment that is often alienating, disrespectful and traumatic. In order to create a more welcoming environment, it is essential to look at each aspect from the front desk to the clinical level. Click here to read more about Part 2.

Part 3: Clinical Skills for the Care of Transgender Individuals

Click here to access the archived webinar.

Building on the first two parts of GLMA’s cultural competence webinar series exploring the health concerns and healthcare of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, Part 3 will focus on clinical skills for the care of transgender individuals, including behavioral health. The webinar will be framed using GLMA’s Top Ten Things Transgender Persons Should Discuss with their Health Providers, an evidence-based patient education resource. During this 90 minute webinar, the presenters will provide clinical best practices on salient health issues for the transgender population. Click here to read more about Part 3.

This webinar series is a project of GLMA in collaboration with the Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.